Our son to be home soon

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Looks like our son will be flying in the next few days.  Probably Sunday, or maybe Monday, depending on the flight schedule Royal Caribbean is able to put together.  About eight months ago he left to continue his job as theatre stage manager.  Now, a few contracts later he’ll be back to the winter weather of Canada.

The climate will be a cool one, but a change may be as good as a rest.  We’ll see!

Back home

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For the last day or so I’ve been in Regina.  There were denominational meetings related to our senior pastor’s network.  8 hours of driving over the last day or so has tired me out.  So, off to bed and trust you have a good rest as well.

The talk of the town

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Snow, of course!

You have to understand the last few years here on the prairies.  Snow has fallen but seldom been higher than the stubble in the field. 

In other words, no higher than a foot at most.

We’ve had that much snow and more in the last week or so. 

So, this is the thing.  When the change in weather changes, then talk increases.  We always talk weather, as a passing comment to someone we do not know.  But now, those we know well are just as interested in the weather as the topic of deep discussions as we are in the matter of life and death. 

It’s a funny thing.  Life often revolves around the weather.  God only knows, and that’s the great part about the conversation.  There really is something spiritual about it!

This is the day

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From 1:30 – 5:30 today I ran from appointment to appointment.

That’s not usual.  Usually I have a moment or two, or more, in between.  Today I finished farewell sentences as I headed out the door.  Each appointment was completed.  And the next awaited.

Interestingly, as I gauged the moments after the end of these hours, I felt refreshed.

Perhaps busyness can also bring about a certain lightness in a day.  I find accomplishing something is refreshing to me.  And back to back opportunities continue the refreshment.

I came home and told my wife maybe she should be booking my life so that I could run from one thing to the next.  And then I remember the days where I was running and my children missed a moment or more of my life.

So, somewhere in between is the center of life.  Refreshed but not bypassing others!