Theologocal Meanderings Coming

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Well, I’ve got a blog site almost ready to go.

Hopefully by Tuesday you can catch some of my meanderings on things like God, the church, emerging, spiritual disciplines and whatever strikes me at the moment!

Stay tuned.  I’ll let you know when I’m up and running!

Hanging from the eavestrough

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Today I checked for leaves in the eavestrough! 

One blessing of living in a prairie town.  No need for a leaf blower!  Hurricane gale prairie breezes lift those leaves right out of the eavestrough and deposit them in Ontario, or who knows where!

Which got me to thinking.  My son is on a cruise ship in the Caribbean.  They stay away from any sign of hurricanes.  Better safe than sorry!

So why do we put campsites on bald prairie?  Or golf into the breeze?  This could all be dangerous to our health.  

I’m told insurance companies are even now preparing “Prairie Regulars Are Yearning Extensive Rehabilitation” (PRAYER) insurance.  For each PRAYER claim, the insurance companies increase your premiums by God knows how much!  The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind!

Halloween Hype

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Satan is alive and well!

That statement is one I feel comfortable in making – but not a statement that makes me comfortable.  Here is a personal being whose goal is destruction of his creator, and to that end, the end justifies the means.

Which means Satan will use lies, bribery, persuasion, apathy, deceit and just about any means to realize the goal — in fact, he probably would use any means.

For years we have taken sides on Halloween — proclaiming it Satan’s day.  The origination of Halloween had the opposite intent.  As with many reactions to pagan practices, the original halloween appears to have been an opportunity to mock Satan, not promote Satan.  The following day was All Saints Day in which the victory over Satan was proclaimed.

Here are the last few sentences of an article you may find interesting in this regards

Nowadays, children often dress up as superheroes, and the original Christian meaning of Halloween has been absorbed into popular culture. Also, with the present fad of “designer paganism” in the so-called New Age movement, some Christians are uneasy with dressing their children as spooks. So be it. But we should not forget that originally Halloween was a Christian custom, and there is no solid reason why Christians cannot enjoy it as such even today.

“He who sits in the heavens laughs; Yahweh ridicules them” says Psalm 2. Let us join in His holy laughter, and mock the enemies of Christ on October 31.


Of macho, the past and pink jeeps

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I thought I was a new millenial person.

Then I was driving down the road to Saskatoon.  Minding my own business.  And a hot pink jeep passed me!

The strangest things can trigger flashbacks.   I remember the TV desert rats.  A group of army men with machine guns loaded on the back of camoflague jeeps.  With green, and brown and shades in between.  Never with women and never in pink.  Always macho!

My first reaction to the pink jeep — “This is wrong!”

What other things bring the past to your present?