Storms are coming??

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Today a friend was headed west.  Expecting to hit a snowstorm!

Of course, with this winter, one can never be sure.  My next door neighbour, Mike, is actually starting to believe in global warming.

Which makes one ask – Where have all the snowstorms gone?

In 1955 the storm of the century hit Kindersley.  My father talks of people who started the day in shirtsleeves, but never made it home.  I understand I was left stranded in the hospital because my parents could not get out of the farmyard.

But no one can remember a winter where there was no winter.  We are still waiting for -40 weather.  Right now the snow is melted around the house.  Yesterday we watched the ice recede.

If I didn’t know better, the new ice age “reversed” is on its way.  Of course, maybe I don’t know better!

Writer's group small but interesting!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Last night I sneaked out to where writers meet!

Down at Cafe Danse a group of four lounged around a table, drinking tea and swapping stories.  This was my first time with Linda, and Twila and Dale.  For an hour we enjoyed each other’s presence.  I heard a great new poem.  And two longer, conversational type stories.

The group is new this past September, and this is the first time I was privileged to meet with them.

I suppose the story of the bus driver, a fire, and poor decisions was a highlight.  You’ll have to wait til the group’s book comes out (Pearls from the Prairies)!

My schedule doesn’t suit the usual meeting times, but I’ll have to see what I can do.  Nothing like a good story, good table talk and a bit of tea to provide an evening’s delight!


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So, it’s Thursday lunch.  I’m sitting at Tim Horton’s!

24 hours earlier my PDA showed no sign of movement for this time slot.  In fact, my wife had asked if I was going to be home for lunch.  My answer?  Yes.

Then I receive an email in the morning.  A pastor friend, Randall Friesen, from Prince Albert is on his way through and will be around for lunch.  Am I available?  “Sure!” – I emailed back.

At 11:45, I’m completing a meeting and getting ready for my “impromptu” lunch.  I miss a call and search to find out the source.  Another pastor friend from Prince Albert, Dan Haugan and his wife Bev,  are at Tim Horton’s and I’m invited for lunch.

As I wander down to the local eatery, I’m asking myself how many times a double booking can work so well! 

Both pastors are men whom I had worked closely with in Prince Albert. 

Both pastors are men who blessed me and encouraged me in my ministry as I lunched with them. 

Both were God’s appointment.

Ginghamsburg again!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Years ago I got the website of Ginghamsburg church on CD.

That was back when web design was new, and churches were just getting involved in the web and the whole media revolution.  Now, we would consider the design basic and the site fairly static.

So, take yourself to their site now.  They continue to be on the front edge of using computers for the church.  The site is clean, usable and relevant.

Jill ran across their site when she wanted to look at some sermons – she’s considering speaking at a women’s meeting.  The sermon archives (scroll to the bottom to get to previous sermons – back to 1997) not only have the sermon (in audio, video and sometimes written), but also have comment points, graphics and other attachments.  On the home page you can find the sermon podcasts as well.

And what about a daily journal?  Check out this approach which is all electronic – the video promo is great!