Christmas message for local paper

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Each year the ministers in town write short Christmas messages.  Nothing too long.  Maybe 200 words or so.

Today was the deadline (doesn’t help that we only found out about this late Friday!). 

I reflected on the optimism of our town.  This is a year where tidings of joy abound.  And yet there is something more to this Christmas season than just good feelings, toys and fun.

MaryAnne, this was a labour of love.  I loved it!  Yes, I probably should be writing.  Keep up the encouragement — check me out in a month or two and see what I’m writing.  I’ll keep you all informed!

A new frying pan to grace this abode!

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For many years I would buy a new Teflon coated frying pan.  For Christmas.  For Jill.  Because nothing says “Christmas” like a frying pan!

Then the inevitable happened.  Too many frying pans!  You can’t keep buying and buying and hoping that a frying pan will wear out each  year.

These past few years have been excruciating.  I’ve had to think about what to buy!

But, behold, my salvation is near.

We threw out our large frying pan today.  The teflon was scarred.  Brown matter emanates from the pan — I guess you call it rust. 

The request was forthcoming.  “I need a new frying pan.”

Just in time for Christmas.

Blood on the antlers!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Breakfast pancake fundraisers are always fun.  There is usually an abundance of golden brown, fluffy delicacies along with lubricant rolls (called “sausages”).  And lots of chance to talk.

Today was no exception!

We arrived at our church quiz team fundraiser around 10:30 – in time for a great brunch and a sit down conversation time.  As we were about to leave we were alerted to the fact that reindeer were about to arrive.

The conversation turned!  Could these be just cardboard cutouts used for picture taking?  Were these to be in-the-flesh animals?  Where would they be?

The mall had arranged for a small corral just down from our breakfast nook.  David and I wandered over to watch the erection of the corral.  A bungee cord held part of the corral together.  We wondered how safe that might be.  Pictures were $7.00 each.

The reconnaisance party (David and I) returned to the breakfast tables. We explained the lay of the land (or should that be — the build of the corrals).  In just a few minutes the reindeer would arrive.

Off went David to check out the final details.

Upon his return he reported that real reindeer had arrived.  They were calm and standing in the mall.  But then the announcement that got me headed down the hallway!  Now, I’m not one for violence, but I was intrigued.  From the mouth of our capable and credible spy came the following —

“There’s blood on the antlers!”

P.S. (for those who no longer read long handwritten letters — P.S. means Post Script — that’s basically a thought after all the other thoughts have been put on paper):  I checked more closely —  the “blood” appeared to be a cream for the antlers — but the story sans explanation is much more fun!!



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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I’m unplugging you right now . . .

This computer is going to the living room.  There it will be used to record music. 

Beautiful music . . . Unique music . . . One of a kind music . . .

I’m unplugging  you right now . . .

Oops, one last commercial.  This will be great music . . .

I’m unplugging you right now . . .  Good b – – . . .