Lifestyle evangelism trashed?

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

A number of years ago I met Steve Elliott.  He has since gone on to take a Doctorate in Ministry and is teaching in a Bible College.  I ran across this article by him recently titled "By the power of signs and miracles".   The article is actually a summary of his doctoral project — but highly readable!!

I love quotes out of context!  Hopefully this is not too far off — taken from Steve’s article:

  •  For most of my adult life I had been taught that lifestyle evangelism was THE biblical and most effective means of sharing the faith, yet biblically it was obvious that lifestyle evangelism accounts for only the tiniest percentage of the conversion stories in the Bible.

And how about this?

  •  While all forms of evangelism are to be applauded and utilized, not all forms of evangelism are equally effective. The church’s present methodologies are reaping meager results. Lifestyle evangelism, while a good form of evangelism, is simply not the most effective means of evangelism.

And finally —

  •  I theorize the persuasive influence of miracles is needed to effectively reach large numbers of Canadians for Christ.

"Second Wind" Days

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

This summer has had a number of occurrences.  I believe that all things work together for good to those who love God, but some days are just "draining in the happening."

We judge — place value on — each of our life events.  Some are tough and drain the life from us.  Others seem to enrich us with life.  Hopelessness comes when we judge — value — an event as unconquerable.  Rejoicing comes when we approach events with gratitude.

I say gratitude because I’m slowly realizing that even the best positive attitude is a mere small beginning in the light of just turning things over to God.  And when God’s got it, then I just need to sit back and be thankful.  OK, maybe sit back is a bit of a misnomer.  I find when God’s got it, then he’s got lot’s of other things in place for me to do.

So, this summer as I hit upon various occurrences, my initial attitude was not always thanksgiving.  Stands of conscience, watching parents age, experiencing recurrences of negative attitudes in others, wondering if renovations will ever get done . . . and I suppose each day brings a new occurrence.

Then there are days.  Days when the "Second Wind", the wind of God — the Holy Spirit, somehow touches down.  Days where I remember whose I am, and His conquering power. 

I need more of those.

What's my wife reading?

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

When we retire at night my wife writes in her journal and reads a portion of a book.

I trust her judgment. 

  • If a book isn’t making it, she quits. 
  • If it’s good, she rereads it. 
  • If I should be reading it, she tells me!

Two books recently have struck her fancy!  One I’m just beginning to read —  I Was Just Wondering, by Philip Yancey.   Here is a book of short essays written for a column in the magazine called Christianity today.  Yancey ranges all over the place with his thoughts, and writes well enough that you trail along with him.

The second book I haven’t gotten my hands on yet.  Not that I haven’t heard bits and pieces of wisdom from the book.  The best thoughts, in a few paragraphs, get read to me just before I fall to sleep.  And somehow I remember them!  Last night Jill mentioned she is about to start reading, once again, Hidden in Plain Sight by Mark Buchanan.  The book is a study of the Bible book, II Peter.  I’ll poach it from Jill once she’s done (and not a moment before, if I know what’s good for me!).

Got some books you are reading?  Leave a comment!

When they work, computers are great!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

The computer had been basically given to the organization.  There needed to be a little tweaking.  Out of my box of Computer goodies there appeared a new CD drive.  I also installed a DVD burner.  Cleaned the cover.  Attached a monitor.

Voila!  A functioning computer. 

Generally I would have been expecting those marvelous PC treats!!  "Fatal error" or "Data overflow" or some such thing.  NOTHING!

Within moments I’m done!  I phoned a friend but he wasn’t home.  So I sat down on my own computer and began to clean up some files.

Now it’s 9:15 and my motivation is winding down.  So, to the computer — good night.  To my files — good night. 

And to all — a good night!