A date is the least of your worries!

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Once one apple falls from a pile, the rest are sure to follow.

Case in point — my surgery date.  Now we must try to set a date for a pacemaker battery change surgery for my wife.  The tentative timing had been at the same time my surgery would take place.  We are trying to reschedule that.

As well, our church’s usual annual meeting date would have fallen just as I was getting out of hospital.  As the pastor I would like to be there.  So a new date is being set.

If my wife’s surgery gets moved, we may have to reschedule our Christmas holidays.

And the list goes on.

Setting priorities in life will always move next-in-line items.  The best thing in life is to be sure you know what your priorities are!!

Surgery date

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Double knee surgery.

The plans are now in the works.  A date has been set at City Hospital in Saskatoon.

Monday, January 21st, 2008. 

Now all I have to do is prepare.  Phone people, give blood, see doctors, arrange work situations, and a myriad of other tasks. 

But at least, now I have a date (after being on the waiting list almost one year to the date of the surgery).

The deep freeze is here!

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This year, winter didn’t seem to be coming.  Days in November always seemed to creep back above 0 degrees Celsius.  Anything above zero was a blessing. 

Then the thermometer plunged.  With the wind chill we were down to -30 degrees.  A bit of snow fell and the ground became rock solid.

Psychologically I’m still back at least a month.  Stuck in October and November.

The Carol Festival seemed that way a well.  Not as many as usually attend — I’m not sure we can believe we are into the Christmas season.  Even the stores seemed to be empty this weekend.

So, here I am, figuring I have holidays after Christmas — months away!!  But, quite literally I begin holidays in 3 weeks!

Time flies — some years faster than others. 

And now they are telling us this will be a long winter.  I imagine when I get to July, I’ll still be thinking snow might fall!