My son arrives tonight

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As I write this, at 7:30 in the evening, I’m preparing to get in the car for a four hour drive.

Tim’s flight arrives at 10:37 tonight.  We’ll pull into the airport around 10:15 — await his arrival — climb back in the car — drive back home for 1:00. 

These are time I cherish.  Not the hours!  I cherish my son and time spent with him.

So, to an opportunity to visit, chat about life and generally enjoy being together — cheers (and I’m talking about the vocal kind, not the liquid kind!).

Searching out old friends

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Today they started the search.

My wife and her sister were reminiscing about their youth.  A list was soon forthcoming.  As the names emerged, the wondering began.

Soon they were on the internet.  One name was a mutual friend whom they had not seen for a decade or two.  The name popped up in an old database on phone numbers.  She no longer lived in that area. 

But, others of the same last name were there.  They could be relatives.

A phone call was placed.  This was a nephew.  He took down our phone number and contacted his aunt (privacy is a good policy).  Within minutes the friend phoned back.  More than a half hour later they had exchanged life stories and made each others day!!

Now, that’s a fun and good use of time and resources!!

Speaking and music

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Have you been following Barach Obama?  His speeches are more like sermons.  Well crafted and with seeming rhyme and rhythm.  There is even a "song(s)" based on one of his speeches called "Yes, we can".  If you go to YouTube you’ll find it there in various places — here is one link.

Which goes to prove — if you can speak, you can make music! 

Diversity and Kindersley.

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

The latest story. 

We have a native lady who has moved to Kindersley.  Supposedly a government office was involved in finding a place for her.  The idea was to provide a new start — away from other relatives and natives.  Where do you find a place in Saskatchewan where there are no natives?  Let’s try Kindersley.

Or so the story goes!!