Playing with ShowBiz

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For over a year, I’ve played with ArcSoft’s ShowBiz.  Never with great success.  The program broadsides my computer — more likely hogs more memory than is available.

So, today, I’ve tried to put some video, photos and audio into a coherent whole.  The stakes are a little higher! 

Tomorrow, to finish my sermon, I wanted a piece of music that features Romans 1:16.  My wife had some creative ideas.  We sat down for 3 or 4 hours  [by the way, gentlemen, never overlook a time of closeness with your wife!!].  As we stitched together effects, transtions and text the whole began to pull together.

Finally, we ventured with the final project, over to the church.  Placed the MPEG file (the completed movie file) on the church computer.  Fired up the projector and attached the sound cable to the computer’s sound jack. 

Lo, and behold, the movie began, words appeared and we both stood back.  Spellbound with the movie and amazed with the technology.

I can hardly wait to see it again tomorrow!!

What's emerging?

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

I guess those involved in the emerging church have found themelves. Or is it rather, they have been found?

When a non-computerite retiree asks about the emerging church, I sense the label "emerging church" is now becoming mainstream.  Interesting for an anti-institutional movement that would rather not have a label.  At least, not the way this one is being fashioned.

One thing that seems to be happening, even as people are just now learning about the emerging church, is that they are dividing up.

A former participant, Mark Driscoll, is distancing himself from the slippery theology of some of the movement.  Brian McLaren, a proponent and writer, continues on appearing at speaking engagements internationally.  John Piper, a theologian/pastor who never really joined the group, has been plugging along involved with a counter-group forming around "reformed theology". 

Now, even putting out these few names doesn’t do justice to the emerging movement or its opponents.  Check on Wikipedia and you will find the article has strong reader advisories — "The neutrality of this article is disputed" and "The neutrality or factuality of this article or section may be compromised by weasel words."   Basically this is a way of saying a fight is underway.  Both sides want to label the other wrong.

I’ve been watching this "emerging" debate for a decade now.  I remember remarking years ago, to a pastor’s coffee group, that we should be looking at this with caution, but also see what is good.  Just this past year, one of those pastor’s told me he thought I was out to lunch when I first said this (that’s my paraphrase — works well when you talk about having coffee).  Now he is watching young couples his age stuggle with the church.  And he is finding the emerging church has been asking their questions for some time.

I’m happy that the emerging church is pushing us to be "missional".  The church has been for itself, by itself and within itself for far too long.  We need to push out in "missional" approaches.  My great caution is that we may rid ourselves of what we believe in order to wedge our way into an increasingly non-Christian society.

And that, dear readers, is one of the quickest summaries I’ve written or spoken about on the emerging church.  Thus I have missed much.

What would you add?

April Showers

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During our seniors dinner yesterday I suggested that not all locations in Canada have equal rain in April. 

With the idea that April showers bring May flowers, we looked at 7 locales.  Charlottetown was a good place to be for rain, while Edmonton was a very poor place to live to get those flowers going.

And Kindersley?

Well, we ranked near the bottom.  Very little rain averaged during the month of April. 

But at least we can say we have lot of sunshine!!


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I’ve been using itunes for the last while.  On it you can tune into various radio stations around the world.

I found one that is Christian acappella. 

Now, you have to understand.  My voice is my musical instrument.  I do play other instruments, but they are second fiddle (pun intended) to my voice.  So, when I hear people make music only with the voice, I sit up and listen.

Some can do percussion, some provide the bass guitar/rhythm beat, others make up heavenly choirs.  Put that together with a soaring melody and life is good.  The other day I sat for hours just listening as I worked on a sermon and emails and websurfing.  Somehow this is the calm for me in the midst of activity.

Each of us have that type of activity that provides rest.  The question is, how often do we return to the rest when we become overinvolved and the waves roll over us.  Find your "acappella station" and check it out this week!!