Oh, for the old Fargo

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Funny the things you remember from your childhood.

We had a picture of an old truck of my father’s, taken around 1959. A rabbit stands in the backyard of a Saskatoon house. The Fargo truck reflects light off the snow.

At least that’s how I remember it.

Then, maybe a decade ago – almost – my parents were having their 50th Anniversary. As a family we were on an island, at a retreat centre, celebrating. We drove the island roads, which were not many. On one sideroad, there was another Fargo truck. Mom and dad posed by the front grill, leaning on the truck bumper. That picture sits framed in our front hallway.

So, to my surprise, as our local pastor’s network retreated in Herschel, there was another Fargo truck. If you’ve never seen one, look below. There is something about the cab of the truck that still intrigues me years later. Maybe this is a style that could return without too much problem!!

fargo truck

A new day

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It’s been an early morning and I’ve been listening to two sermons from Andy Stanley in a CD series called “Starting Point – find you place in the story.” One sermon is on grace, the other on Spirit. Both are right where I’m at.

Growing up in a church background, I’ve heard terms such as “Spirit filled life”, and “law and grace”. In another day and age, with a society that still had a Christian memory, those terms were defined with now archaic (but true) language. People “got it”, and “lived it”. But, the old sermons are not being listened to by a present generation. The Christian classics are stored on shelves and not in this generations’ hearts. Words and their definitions have changed. So, we need to find a way to communicate with them truths about the Christian life that are timeless.

Perhaps its my age, recent life experience and a heart cry that I can’t drown out. In my journey and strugglings, I’m seeking to come closer to an understanding of “the deeper Christian life” that I can pass on to others in our “Post Christian Age”.

Right now I’m working my way on this “redefinition road” through sin, law and grace, and into ways to speak of the Spirit filled life. I’m understanding more fully what giving God control of my life is about. I’m trying to put into practice the concept that God is first and the good life is second. And if I have God, then all the rest is just additives!! As I study God’s words (the Scriptures) and I pay attention to His promptings (pay attention means more than just listening to His Spirit – doing comes in here!!), I’m changing.

And truth written in a person’s life is a primary point of speaking to this generation. Then all the books written, songs sung, videos created and truth expounded have impact!!

OK, so that’s a start for the day. Any thoughts??

BTW, if you need a first cup of coffee before you can figure out what I just wrote – drink up and come back – this blog entry will still be here!!

Playing with WordPress

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I’ve tried out a few more “tweaks” to the blog site.  They seem to be working.

Of course, I was up shortly after 5:00 thinking about what could be done.  Another confirmation of why I’m not a computer techie!!

Time on my hands

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Just noticed that the clock was set wrong in WordPress.  You have to set Daylight Savings Time manually!

No, I don’t often blog at 3:00 in the morning!  Hopefully this has been corrected and you will actually be able to believe the time that a blog was posted.

Oh for the days of the sundial!!