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Here in Kindersley we do “kids” with different approaches.

The church is not the only place where children are considered precious.  In fact, our surrounding community has always had a great concern for their own.

Recently the schools tried a new approach to provide parental training.  They have combined this with a meal and fun for the children.  Meanwhile parents have practical training sessions.  These are called Family & School Together (F&ST) sessions.

For the past three years our elders board at our church has volunteered.  This means we help serve a meal, we set up tables, we talk to people.  And we are not in charge, we are just there to say, “How can we help?”

Sometimes the most Christian thing we can do is to say just that — “How can we help?”  I seem to remember this idea that we are to love our neighbours.  Perhaps the place to start is serving.

As I come to the end of the day

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Today I met with a young couple.  Just in the midst of figuring out who each other is.  Just out of high school.  Just in love.

How refreshing!  You can plug into their enthusiasm and enjoyment, and not even drain them.

So we sat and “coffeed”.  As the time finished I blessed them.  From the conversation I picked out a few highlights  and affirmed each one individually.  That was fun.

Oh, and on the side they gave me encouragement to get into Facebook more.  Since I’m moving to work more with youth, I can see this would be useful.  But I understand the interface has just changed.  There was some frustration expressed.  At 2:00 in the morning things were fine, but later in the morning Facebook’s look had changed.  Have any of you noticed this?

The coffee time was a highlight of the day.  Maybe having youth around is well worth the time!

Burn on or Burn out

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

For the last few weeks I’ve been busy.  With this and that.  I’ve been waiting for the crash. 

For a few hours the doubts and fears have arisen.  And then there is encouragement, or rest or hope arising.  I’ve seen a number of opportunities arise from what looked like shambles.

And so, I’m watching myself.  I’m asking my wife and others to watch over me as well.  And most of all, I’m passing on my reliance to God. 

Over at my father’s today, he has a saying on the bulletin board.  In essence it says that God is in control, so let go of what you think is yours to handle and leave the responsibility to Him.  Goes along with some scripture, if I remember Philippians 4 rightly!  And I Peter 5!  And a whole host of other words written in the Good (God) Book!

Not a bad thought!