Flying light

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At 7:40 this morning Jill and I were on the road.  First to Rosetown to drop off forms for a doctor as we continue on the quest to complete my father’s will.  Then to Moose Jaw to pick up the cremated remains of my father.  Finally to Lafleche to meet with my sisters and finish off details for my father’s funeral.

All in all, almost 10 hours on the road.  But, as the day passed those were hours of relaxation, listening to inspiring music and talking together.  I do not wish a ten hour drive on anyone, but if you must, go with an inspiring companion – and in a car that makes 40 – 50 miles to the gallon (or around 8 liters per hundred kilometers)!!

All that stuff

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A death in the family relates you to more than just your family.  As an executor and pastor of the local church where the funeral will be held, I accrue other duties.  I’ve been around town more than once.  Worked on a Sunday sermon.  I will have visited a lawyer, funeral director, friends, and family.

So, for a reprieve we hung out tonight with our AWANA group – grades 1-4 kids that are just fun to be with.  For 2 hours we forgot pressing matters and pressed on to the “fun” stuff of life.

Now I’m home.  Our lawyer has just dropped off some papers, I’ve completed some letters, read condolences, heard of meals being prepared for us and now, I am going to bed.  Tomorrow we head off to the land down south to visit relatives and stop by another funeral home. 

This has been an education — one which brings new appreciation for the work of those who assist and comfort us at the death of a loved one!

Thank you!

Dad passes

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Today, September 8, 2009 at around 11:40, my father, Calvin James Baker, passed on.  Passing from this life to the next was a thing of welcome for dad.

I have said to more than one person that I have had a great example in my father.  He loved his wife with a fierce loyalty, his children and their offspring with passion, his friends with devotion and His God with delight!

I will miss him.  In my elementary school days he was the one who played, in my teen years he was my support, in my early years of work and marriage he quietly advised, in my later years he became an equal for whom my respect was great. 

I pray you will have those type of models and examples in your lives!

Night time wak(e)ing

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My father is in the last stages of his life.  Last night I sat with him for a time, headed off to rest, and returned in the middle of the night, sat for some time, rested again and returned once again.  In one of those times between I also started work on some legal issues that will need to be addressed in dad’s will.

My ability to remain focused has been spread thin.  One thing leads to the next and you just follow the trail that is present.