Thoughts on . . .

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

The morning was spent with other pastors.  We talked of church (what is the current definition), of ministry (the ups and downs) and of personal life (we are all human!).  This is the opportunity to join with others who go through the same things.  Together we prayed, ate and dismissed – seeking God’s blessing and direction.

Time well spent!

To Herschel and back

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Our regional Senior Pastor’s Network is together today and tomorrow.  As the season and commitments would have it, I had to exit from the meetings for a few hours to fulfil duties back in Kindersley.

Our meetings are being held in a back road town called Herschel.  Settled in a valley, the setting is beautiful.  The retreat house is “recycled”.  The wood comes from grain elevators.  Beautiful wood grain enhanced by years of grain spilling over the wood.

The road to a main highway is one I had travelled last time we met there.  Only this time I didn’t get detoured.  Previously I had made one wrong turn and ended up on a dirt trail through a pasture.  My sense of direction kept me going until I returned to a gravelled grid road.  Today I headed straight down the road – no detours – and about 20 minutes shaved off travel time.

Tomorrow I return for the close of the meetings.  I look forward to seeing what God has in store for us. 


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  • Reading time:1 mins read

This is the Advent season.  Preparing for Jesus’ birth.

This week we explore spending less and giving more.  Spending less money on extraneous gifts and giving more time to the relationships in our lives.  I’ve worked a sermon out – right now I’m also working it out in my life.  That’s a good thing.  The day I can’t learn from what I’m learning is the day I’ve fossilized into a relic.  Something I never want to be!!