Feverish flourishes

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I’m surrounded by hard workers!

As the day began, three teens joined my wife.  They are painting up a storm of decorations for Vacation Bible School. 

I love hard work – when someone else is doing it!

painting for VBS 2009

What impresses others

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A resume is a place to put your best fot forward.  In it you give your history in such away that a potential employer finds you irrestible to hire.  One big reason not to be hired is spelling misteaks.   So goes the latest research.

Some of the greatest gaffs in resume writing!

“Dear Sir or Madman”, “I’m attacking my resume for you to review”, “Following is a grief overview of my skills” and “Have a keen eye for derail.”

The Lord’s prayer

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Each day one of my friends prays the Lord’s prayer on his way to work.  I admire him – and I see the positive effect this has on him.  I sometimes try to refashion the prayer into my own words for the day.  Here is today’s attempt.

My Father in heaven, you are not a run-of-the mill god.  May your way of running things be done here on earth as it is in heaven.   Give me enough strength each day to get through it physically.  And in my relationships, forgive me for what I have done against you just as I forgive people who offend me.  And when another alternative path of “life” opens up, shunt me around it.    You know what makes the world go around, you have the power to keep things going, and you deserve the credit – not me.  Don’t let me try and take your place!!

When lives intersect

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Think and it shall. 

I’m not a great proponent of “The Secret” or other self-fulfilment books.  I don’t want to presume to tell God what to do.   And yet, some days . . .

Yesterday I was thinking of a person and they appeared in the doorway to my work.  They had felt they should just show up.  Another person met me in the doorway of the grocery story — I’d wanted to touch base with them.  A relative of a hospital patient appeared and we discussed their recovery. 

By the end of the day, my scheduled appointments were few and far between, but my day was full.  Some days the best laid plans end up being God’s plans.

Those are the days I need to remember that God plans — I get to walk the path.  I enjoy the colors, and the fragrance, the flowers and the surprises.  And my daily journal is just a little fuller because of God’s clear intersection into my day.