Special meetings completed

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With a morning of words related to the place of the church, we completed a great weekend!  Encouraging is one word of description.  Probably the bets description.  We completed with a prayer for us as a church — that God would bless.

And so begins a new journey.   Not divorced from our previous journey – in fact, tied closely to the life of this church.  But at the same time, a renewed sense of hope and direction.  Into a life where our community is reached for Jesus, our lives are affected to be conformed to Jesus, and our love and care is an example of Jesus in action in this world.

Oh, and the soup and sandwiches were also good!

Why cook?

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This morning was a men’s breakfast, prepared by men, served by men, eaten by men.

I was helping to set this whole thing up.  As I did, I came to realize that preparing ham, pancakes, fruit, eggs and muffins means the complete breakfast menu is now in my/our hands.

So, don’t tell our wives.  I still enjoy her cooking.  But I guess, every once in a while I could be found behind the stove.  Of course, she’ll wonder why the meal took twice as long to prepare, and why the counter is littered with dishes, and the floor is a bit sticky.  But at least the food will be on the table!

The continuing apron saga

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So, we found out the apron comes from Park B. Smith (see previous post).

60% polyester – 40% polyurethane.  Spills wipe off with cloth or sponge.  You can wash it in the washing machine.  But don’t put an open flame to it.

Can you imagine it – a flaming apron.  To go with flaming hair and a certain desire to find an open body of water

If you find something like this, available in Canada and for under $10.00 let us know!!

The search is on

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Today, my culinary inclined wife was on the hunt!

With current food handling standards, you need to have a bleach wash in a commercial/church kitchen.  That bleach wash has been known to spill over and land on beautiful clothing – now ruined with a splotch in the middle.  Cloth aprons do little to stop the moisture of the bleach from leaking through.

The real need is for an apron which will repel the bleach.  A rubberized cloth type.  After hours of searching some possibilities have been found.

Have you run across this type of apron?  Where would they be found?  I’d be glad, and would receive all kinds of kudoos, if you can pass on the information to me!!