Sermon surprise

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I usually complete my sermon on Saturday.  During the week I think through angles and points and puzzle connections.  I rest on the ideas and often awake with whole paragraphs completed in my head.

This week has been different.  I began with a project we are calling our 50 days of prayer.  A weekly study guide had been completed by one of our denomination’s pastors.  I skimmed them over a few weeks ago when they first arrived on my computer.

Monday morning I took a closer look.  Monday afternoon I thought there was a gathering storm of ideas that could work.  The devotionals and a sermon which had been prepared as an introduction to the 50 days of prayer, rolled around my head last night.

As I sat at my desk this morning I sensed some editing, rearrangement and original input could make next Sunday’s talk work!  By late afternoon the sermon was completed. 

Now, from experience I know that sermons are never completed until the words issue from your mouth.  Completing a sermon early means I will cogitate on it over the week.  Hopefully I’ll be able to improve on what I’ve started.

One thing – I’ll have a little more time this week to rest and relax – a sabbath might occur this week!

In mind

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

As the day progresses, ideas and situations continue to arise.  Much of life is about limiting stress and finding hope.  The best option in that regard is to pass the burden off.

That’s what I find difficult day by day.  Bringing to God my cares and concerns and then just leaving them there. 

Not picking them up again.  Not arranging for someone to oversee them.  Not doing my best to do my best.

No, just leaving them there.

Each day is an opportunity to put this into practice.  Today was a slow start day.  I trust tomorrow I will have a quicker beginning.

In that is hope and peace and joy and comfort . . . and a few other qualities of life I want to cultivate!

And so, as I end this day, . . . may your day, tomorrow, begin in God, with God and for God.

Home again

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Just walked in the door at 8:45 this evening.  A good time of rest and refreshment, both for body and soul. 

A great speaker, Skye Jethani, from Leadership Journal.  Spoke on Moses – four talks that were based in the historic context and applicable for today.  I’ll blog a bit on that in the coming days.

Returned to people who are in hospital – that will be part of tomorrow’s activity.  For today – sign off and good night to all!!