The land down under

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Or, at least that’s where Lafleche, Saskatchewan is in comparison to where we live in West Central Saskatchewan.  For the last few days I visited my mother, two sisters, a whole bunch of seniors out for a potluck, a coffee row gang at the local “Merchandise on Main” and gas station attendants on the way down and back!

When all is said and done, the days were refreshing.  My wife sent me off with her blessing – in fact, with her insistence.  When life becomes too hectic she knows that I need to just get away.

And away is where I went.  Take a look for Lafleche on your map.  450 people.  Centered in the middle of nowhere.  A small lake nearby.  Fields aplenty.  Town spirit.  And not much else.

But somehow you’ve got to love it!  And that’s just what I did!

What I don’t know

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

A quick quote from Leonard Sweet in his book, “Out of the question, into the mystery”, p. 167:

The one thing I am sure of when I get to heaven is that I will have to edit my theology.

Flux and solder

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

When I was young, my father taught me about flux that you use when you solder electrical connections.  The flux we used was designed to melt quickly, cleanse grease and impurities, and help the solder adhere.

I’m a bit perverse, but I loved the smell of the flux melting!  I also like the smell of burnt toast.  And things that go pop in the night!

Back to the flux and solder.  One without the other ends up being useless.  The solder will gather into small globules and sit all by itself.  The flux by itself will stream into all sorts of nooks and crannies with no use to anyone.

Put them together and you end with a great opportunity for a solid connection. 

So, perhaps you are wondering whether you fit in the grand scheme of things.  YES!  You are meant to be a part of others lives.  You are meant to get a little heated every once in awhile.  You are meant to help bring together what is often held apart.

Thanks for being flux and solder.

In the midst of life

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I’ve always been intrigued with what happens when life goes on ahead.  We expect our own grand vision and we find in the small things that the true picture emerges.

Some are calling this convergence.  The daily routines converge to form a quilt of inspiration.

So with today.  Two young ladies from our congregation have been working with us in various ministries.  Chance conversations confirmed their very real commitments to our church.  Both love God and love people.   Both talked in these last few days of ways in which they can continue to contribute to the life of the body of Christ.

And so, one will direct an enormous undertaking, another will share with me speaking time.  I wandered away amazed at the gifts that God gives to his church.  When the unexpected happens I just sit back and marvel, in the midst of life.