From here

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Last year one of my friends died on this date.  The day was warm, no real snow to speak of, and summer to come just around the corner.

Last night we watched out our window as snow fell.  They were huge flakes.  Covering the ground and in the morning the crunch of half melted snow frozen overnight greeted our ears. 

The temperature is said to be around the zero mark these next few days.  And then, who knows?

From where I’m standing the standing joke is becoming, “Who stole spring?”

Into the week

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For many pastors, Monday is the day off.  For me, it’s my day to clean up.

So today, I sat with two different change agents.  Both are great people who want to see things done.  The time was invigorating.  So, when I hit a later meeting that was a bit slow, I stayed focused.

Not every week is this good a start.  I was reading this past week that the eighth day of the week is the true beginning of the next week.  An interesting thought.  Looks like this next week could be great.


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A few posts ago I mentioned I have floaters in my eyes.  I guess they are just something you learn to live with.  Gives me a new perspective on the world around me, that’s for sure!

I’m also finding that my time has floaters as well.  Those are days when the usual schedule is somehow redistributed.  Not maliciously, not intentionally, but it just happens.

Today was one of those days.  This is my usual day off.  But three external events, beyond my control, all fall on this day.  So, I’m floating with my time off to other days this week.  Never the preferred way, but every so often you have what I call a “grad gown day.” 

In a former job I served as a registrar.  When graduation week came, the squeeze of life became intense.  I enjoyed having my kids show up, but they would end up trailing behind my flowing grad gown.  Dad would stop and talk with them, but there was always the next thing.  So, they learned at that time of year that they were welcome but they would have to run with me.

Now that I’ve had knee surgery I can’t quite run as fast (a sign of old age), but I still have those days where many things converge to just make it busy.  And so for today, I’m about to eat supper, then shortly after I will head to the next event.  Since this morning I have also been headed to the next event. 

And when I return home later tonight I’ll rest a bit and head to bed.

Just one of those floater days!

A short thought

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I wish I could just lay out all that has happened today.  Confidentiality places certain parameters on that. 

God sometimes hears a lot of things that others don’t!

For that I am thankful. 

One more reason to believe in a very personal God!