Snow fall!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

The day began with a somewhat clear sky but a few crusty kernels of water began to fall in the formation we know as “snow”.  Those few were soon joined with a myriad of others until the whiteness blackened the sky.

Arriving home mid-afternoon I began the shoveling of the walk.  With guests expected later in the evening I figured I could get ahead of myself.  Of course, being ahead meant I soon felt behind because the snow did not stop.

I decided, since I was getting a bit of exercise, I would clean the driveway next door.  Then I would push out a neighbour who got stuck.  Then walk over to a neighbours house and help shovel the driveway. 

Supper felt and tasted good.  Another neighbour was shoveling their walk, so I headed out to help a bit.

All I can say is – I hope our guests arrive soon.  Otherwise I’ll end up shoveling out the whole block!!!

When the average age rises

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I’m hanging around a lot more 90 years olds lately.  Today proclaimed a happy birthday to Don Staples – 89 years young!

I wonder . . .

If the old 18 is now 25, do youth feel they can wait until later to take on responsibility?

If children and youth feel that they will live to 90, do they feel an urge to learn quickly?

If the average age of death was 40 (as compared to the 80’s), would that make a difference?

I wonder . . .

As Though

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Much of our life is lived in a state of being called, “as though.”  Some have extreme imagination.  Others have acute disappointment.  Still others live oblivious to what happens around them.

As though we could change!

For centuries, perhaps even millenia, the human race has wondered what would happen if . . .

Working with drugs and alcohol addictions counselors, the recovery rate is low, the kill rate is high!  Watching the current global greed, the recovery rate is low, the kill rate is high!  Remembrance Day just reminds us that the recovery rate is low, the kill rate is high!

But what if we lived as though we were dead?  What if we lived as though we could not change ourselves?  What if we lived only through one who lives because he showed that in his death there was a power to bring life?

The constant lifting of dead limbs, dead dreams and dead desires into dynamic action comes when we are willing to live as though Jesus lived in us.  Not in the sense of “maybe”, but in the Biblical sense of confidence – an assurance that when we place our trust in Jesus to live through us we inherit a new life.  And now we live “as though!”

Pondering church leadership!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

The other day I sat down with my mind!  Sometimes that can be a dangerous event! 

In the midst of my pondering, I started to think about being a pastor in a church over the past decades.  Let me try this out on you —

In the 1950’s – 60’s a pastor was steered by the expectation that the pastor did it all.  As such, the pastor had to rush to visit people to find out what was expected.  The result of this leadership style was the sense of being overwhelmed.  You could never please everyone.

The 1970’s – 80’s turned to the social sciences to help understand a pastor’s role.  The Church Growth movement pushed for excellence and extreme production.  Church services and programs became the focus.  A pastor was judged on the production of the programs.

The 1990’s and 2000’s pushed the pastor to turn inward.  This was cloaked in an increase in books and literature about “leadership.”  Leaders could personally test their own vision and giftedness.  In the end, the corporate culture (the church) was molded to suit the pastor’s vision.

Now, these are huge generalities.  In one sense all of these approaches will make for a good leader.  But concentrating on only one causes imbalance.  I sense that the swing is now heading back to being with the people, for the people and discerning what the people want from their leader.

Any comments?