This is the day

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From 1:30 – 5:30 today I ran from appointment to appointment.

That’s not usual.  Usually I have a moment or two, or more, in between.  Today I finished farewell sentences as I headed out the door.  Each appointment was completed.  And the next awaited.

Interestingly, as I gauged the moments after the end of these hours, I felt refreshed.

Perhaps busyness can also bring about a certain lightness in a day.  I find accomplishing something is refreshing to me.  And back to back opportunities continue the refreshment.

I came home and told my wife maybe she should be booking my life so that I could run from one thing to the next.  And then I remember the days where I was running and my children missed a moment or more of my life.

So, somewhere in between is the center of life.  Refreshed but not bypassing others!

The mystery

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The church parking lot was cleared.  The drifts had been high – some almost as tall as each of us there. 

When we had arrived for preparation before our Sunday morning church service, we had seen a Bobcat (a small dozer) starting to clear the lot.  Soon after graders arrived and a beehive of activity appeared. 

Snow was shoved to either end of the lot.  The piles grew high while the drifts disappeared from the center of the lot.  As we prepared for our Sunday activities, the outdoor activity continued.  By the time others began to arrive the lot was easily accessible.

Now, we had no idea who had done this.  One or two possibilities.  Today we had confirmation.  So I’ve sent out our sincerest thanks.  As it happens, Danny is our neighbor just across from the church.  He recognized we would have trouble getting into the parking lot, so called on some people to clear the lot.  This is great to have good neighbors.


Cold and more snow?

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I loved the statement I heard today.

“This winter is going to be dodgy.”

Meaning – we have had more snow than usual.  Wind has accompanied that snow.  And more Albert Clippers are on the way.  Meaning more snow and no way to predict what is yet to come.

We could have snow banks of enormous height by March.  We could be seeing snow cleaning budgets unheard of in previous years.  We could experience whiteouts on a regular basis.

Or the sun could shine, the snow could melt and we could begin golf in a week’s time.



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  • Reading time:1 mins read

As we pulled into our church parking lot this morning I saw an imposing sight.  A show bank as high as a car!

More impressive?

A tractor was removing snow.  Unasked for, as far as I know.  But gratefully welcomed.  And then, shortly after – much before our services were to begin – two graders joined.  In short order the parking lot was cleared!  Each person that attended on this “snow day” was able to park with ease!

And here’s the smile on my face.  One of the church children came up to me after morning service.  He pointed to the high pile of snow at the end of the parking lot.  He almost jumped up and down.  “I’m going to come back this afternoon with my dad and slide down that hill!”

Amazing the gifts we are given out a pile of white stuff!