Poetry from the past

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

My wife and I put together a song back in September of 1999.  Here are parts of the song:

Sitting all alone, I wait

Hoping that I soon could hear your gentle voice.

But I can’t hear you.

Rushing through my busy day

Looking for some glimpse that shows you’re near me.

But I can’t see You.

Is it wishful thinking that you’re there?

Can we know for sure that you care?

We’re hearing without words, Knowing without seeing, trusting even when it seems unclear.  We’re walking through our fear and resting on His promises, trusting even when it seems so unclear.

We’re hearing without words, knowing without seeing, trusting even when it seems unclear.  We’re walking through our fear and resting on His promises

Jesus love is with you.

Living on the edge . . . oops, just fell over

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I suppose one of the things that disturbs me about our current society is that we are driven.  Right to the edge, and then over.  So you get people who are walking dead. 

The counsel needed is to return to “puttering.”  At least that’s what I’m naming it.  And when I use that term, people catch on to it right away.

Maybe because we associate it with retirement.  A time when there are no time constraints, people can slow down and smell . . . whatever the current aroma is.  Ask yourself – what smells around you right now?  Most of us haven’t stopped to consider the aromas. 

I used to tell people they stunk pretty.  At least I was smelling them.  Most of us need to putter away so that we can smell the roses and the roast and the roaming dogs on the sidewalk.  And yes, they do smell!

So, maybe you don’t want to putter so you can smell what stinks!  But consider at least slowing down to keep your heart rate in check, your brain clear and your thankfulness constant.

Pilot project

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Just back from a meeting.  For the past few months we have piloted a budgeting program with a young couple.  Their review was glowing!  Life changing in many respects – they are now able to look at money as an instrument in their lives, rather than a milestone around their necks.

This is the fun part of ministry.  When you begin to see people take on biblical principles and live!  Live with enjoyment.  Live with new horizons.  Live outside of restrictions that need not be there!

And so, I’m excited.  Where to next?  Well, the facilitator is available as a consultant, but will be moving away from our fair town.  So, we will look for someone to facilitate, but at least that person will have an enthusiastic couple to promote the program.

A new year

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Well, I’m looking forward to this year’s church work.

For six and a half years we have been given the opportunity to work with a great bunch of people.  When we first came there was hurt and anticipation.  We weren’t quite sure what was the next step. 

I took some advice a a pastor friend of mine (whose dad had worked for my dad back when my dad had a farm here in Kindersley).  Stan had asked an older parishioner what was the most important things a pastor needed to know when he came to a church.  The parishioner replied quite simply, “Love the people.”

Can’t say that has been easy.  I’ve doubted that I was cut out for this.  And yet, God created this gnawing-ness in side me that keeps me going.  I want to see people who are committed to this community, prepared to proclaim that the deepest need is not better therapy, or better know how (which components are vital), but grace that accepts us for who we are, provides forgiveness for what we have done, and gives us strength for each day.  That only comes from knowing God through Jesus Christ.  With a community that begins to glimpse and grasp that truth, the good life will appear through the cracks and soon a loving society emerges.

That’s what I want to see.