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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I’ve noticed these last few days that a vision can be sidetracked by the unexpected.  Even when the unexpected has no particular velcro that would attach to you. 

Unless we allow the unexpected to become a full blown ghost that wraps its illusions around you!

As I talked this over in a side conversation with a colleague he made as side remark.  “Don’t let this derail your vision for what you want for the people you serve.”

Now, all this sounds rather abstract.  To me it is very real.  As I rode my bike this morning, I was talking to God.  The conversation cleared my head.  What I’ve been working towards is worth continuing the race. 

That doesn’t mean that the unexpected is ignored.  Just put into perspective.

Why your week goes fast!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Well, it’s not because the clock speeds up.  So far we have fairly standard hours and minutes around the world.  Otherwise stock markets, and shopping and family meals would collapse (OK, maybe they are collapsing, but it’s not because time has changed – maybe “times” have changed!!).

This week we entered one of those periods where our daytimers (now called schedulers . . .) showed little blank space.  An annual meeting, our local manor birthday party, children’s activities and appointments peeked out at us.  And in between we took some rest time (we seem to still be recuperating from our “retreat”, which was restful but brought us back to lots of activity!).

Now, I like busyness.  But combined with the need for rest and the inevitable “one more thing”, busyness can turn into restlessness.  Right now we are pulling on the reins and trusting that our week slows down.  I know there are others that are in the same boat (OK, I switched metaphors – hopefully you are able to keep up!).

May you have a day of rest in the midst of your week as well!!

Middle aged!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I used to think the older you got, the more you felt like you were just middle aged.  At 35, you aren’t 70 – thus middle aged.  When you are 50 a century is still a half century away.

This morning I’m in a group of middle aged children.  They figure finishing high school puts them right on the edge of eternity. 

Our Sunday School class is grades 4-7.  One young man has never understood the word quiet.  The five women are smiling and trying to do what is right.  The brain has good answers until you push for a definition.  The contortionist loves to skitter all over the classroom.

That’s my fun group – all of them just barely old enough to know everything, but certainly wise enough to think they do.  And middle aged! 

Now, since I’m a few years older than they, I wonder how they will survive the old age of 21?  Progressive memory – that’s what we need.  As we get older our understanding of age grows with us.  Until, as we approach our death, we do realize that we are just middle aged – when you consider we have eternity to still complete!

Back again

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Well, I retreated!

The result was a time of rest and relaxation – along with great inspiration from our speaker and great conversation with fellow church workers. Not to mention great food and safe travel (even though we did have a flat tire!).

We arrived home last night and I headed into this new day at full steam.

I was at work by 7:00 in this morning and headed home by 6:00 at night (with lunch in between).  Rather enjoyable day, but by 6:00 I was slowing down.  So, I’m resting once again!

Home with my wife and resting! 

Not a bad thing!!