Acappella music

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Just for your listening pleasure – acappella men’s chorus.  Check out the name “Coro Mongioje Imperia”.

Although the recording is not great, the idea of a men’s chorus always intrigues me!  I’ve sung in them over the years, and as my high school singing “mentor”, Doug Richards, always proclaimed – there’s no better music instrument than the human voice.  Most of the recordings are in a beautiful cathedral setting with great acoustics.

Sluffing off

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

This morning was a busy one!  Up early to clean up the week which is full of committee meetings and activities.  Also helped my wife do some preparations for a meal she caters tomorrow.


Which makes the afternoon all the more fun.  Rested for an hour, then listened to some new music on the internet.  Looked at an old photo of a singing group I once toured with (from 1975 when I had hair).  Came across a free music site called – a site where a lot of Christian music samples can be heard and downloaded for free.  Amazing what is available (and has been for awhile) that just passes you by.

And now I’m lazily leaning back and considering what I don’t have to do for the rest of the day. 

Small miracles

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

This was a day to head into our nearest city (2 hours away) and have an appointment with our pace maker clinic.  Routine.  Yearly.  Average.

As we walk into the hospital we meet a pastor friend.  We discuss current pastoral issues that affect our church and his. 

Off to the pace maker clinic.  Jill explains she has encountered some heart problems.  The clinician immediately contacts our cardiologist (who just happens to be in today), and we are given an appointment in the next hour or so.

As we sit to get tests for the appointment, a friend of ours (who worked on a previous CD I produced and is now doing sound equipment as well), sat down next to us.  We traded cards and I will consult with him on sound upgrades we are considering at our church.

The appointment reveals that further tests are needed.  Perhaps nothing unusual will arise, but it will rule out some potential problem areas.  And the testing will take place in the next month or so.  Not bad, considering we had asked for an appointment with the cardiologist a week or so ago, and had been told we would have to wait until July.

All in all, the small miracles added up to a great day!

The Discipline of Encouragement

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I was pleasantly surprised by a turn of phrase.  The word cluster stopped me in my tracks.

A family I would call friends has a gracious way of letting you know that you are appreciated.  They will comment on Facebook, send cards, and be generous in their words.  This is the kind of people you want to know, and enjoy knowing!

This past week we received a card from them.  Nothing out of the ordinary – but truly extraordinary.

In our day and age we don’t much pass us cards anymore.  Nor do we often show appreciation unless prompted by a Facebook comment or an unintentional serendipity crossing of paths.

Which makes those who have a discipline of encouragement all the more unusual. 

May their tribe increase – and may I be one of that tribe!