The forum that was!

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My last few days feel like a whirlwind.

On Sunday morning (at 5:00 in the morning!), I began my trek back to Saskatchewan from Summerland, BC.  The early morning meant the construction sites were abandoned and travel was smooth.  I arrived in Calgary in time to catch the end of one church service, have lunch with friends and their family, then head to another service in Airdrie, meet other friends and have supper, then be back in Kindersley by 11:00 pm.

That was Sunday.

Then Monday.

My day was spent in preparing for the all candidates forum for our town council and mayor.  I was privileged to be invited to serve as moderator for the forum. 

FUN!  Best word to describe the challenge.  One of the candidates has even tagged me in a photo on Facebook.  A lady stopped me in the Post Office to congratulate me on the time together.  Another person expressed how well I had done.  And all this praise to do what I enjoy.  Although another person, upon hearing that moderating meetings energized me, thought I might just be a bit weird.

And now today – back to church work, seniors meeting, church board meeting and a late supper.  All good.  I’ll rest well tonight – I trust you will as well.

Whose in charge?

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That’s the question the lady asked me. 

She had been on a stroll with her dog.  In the midst of the stroll she had thrown an apple into a fenced area.

Now, who would you say was in charge?  BTW:  That’s an emu!

Peeking order - Emu - Sheep - Oct 13, 2012

To the peak!

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Last year the challenge to climb to the top of the local mountain here in Summerland was avoided.  The day of the attempt I was feeling nauseous and Jill realized her limitations.  So we literally backed down!

This week I decided to try again.  The first part of the trail is a winding switchback road.  As I ascended I met a vehicle.  One of us had to back down, the other to find a safe place to pass.  That accomplished, we both continued.  Intent on the road and with no barriers keeping you from falling off the edge, the ascent was “interesting” (take that how you may!).

A parking lot of sorts appeared at the end of the road, but more climbing was needed.  I exited the car and headed straight up the mountain.  Side trails allowed for a more gradual climb, but I chose to huff and puff my way to the top.

As the peak loomed nearer, so did the sound of the wind.  Atop the mountain (really just a jut of rock that is bigger than any prairie protuberance) I glanced around.  Then I listened. 

Giants Head Mountain Peak - October 11, 2012 Aside from the whistle of the wind, there were the sounds of the valley below.  Loudest noises came from vehicles – the truck whose muffler was noisy, and the tractor slowly climbing the roadway.  There was the single engine plane that flew by – at a lower altitude than I was at.  And the general noise – nothing distinguishable but all there!

As I descended, I realized I had been so intent on reaching the summit I had missed various scenic turnouts.  A lady was walking the trail for exercise.  A couple had ascended together and were cheerfully enjoying each others presence. 

While the climb was centered on reaching the top, the descent became an enjoyment of all that surrounded me.  And what an enjoyment!

Bloom where and when!

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I noticed, as I toured Penticton, that flowers were still in bloom.  The killing frost is not far behind – but flowers do what they do best.


In the beginning of the season and at the end of the season.  They are not rushing off to find shelter.  Their first concern is the main concern.  Bloom where you are planted, no matter when.

rose blossom - October 10, 2012Now, some horticulturalist will point out that plants do take into account the seasons.  And rightly so.  A flower in winter is a dead flower – in fact, can’t even bloom.  But within the season of time for flowering, there is no time at which they stop and ask:  “Should I flower right now?”

So, here is one of those flowering buds that caught my attention yesterday.  And today on my walk there was frost on the car windows.  Thanks for flowers that bloom right until the end of the season!