Intentional parenting

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I’m with my niece.  She has two kids, and she and her husband are being intentional about their parenting.  Their son is just ready to enter Grade one – he has reading skills and is quite the conversationalist.  They read the Psalms to him each evening.  He knows Bible stories and enjoys conversations with his parents.

I am moving towards a blended family.  That means that I am looking around and observing.  I’m researching and reading. 

There are many different family styles.  Dealing with the obvious selfishness that children can bring to their lives (“I don’t want to share”), we have the opportunity to steer them towards being good citizens and lovers of others.

I suppose one thing I am trying to learn is that we (young and old) have a sinful nature, but often times the triggers for our temptation can be sidestepped.  Flee from evil!  Perhaps a part of parenting is helping our kids (each one is an individual) know what leads them in the un-right path. 

Lots of work to observe and know our kids, but intentional parenting is well worth it.

What’s in the Bible

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

When doing work becomes pleasure makes life so much more enjoyable.

We have been looking for curriculum for our Family Bible School this coming fall.  We’ve checked on-line curriculum, gone to the mainstream publishers catalogues and even contemplated writing our own.

Then, one day, a couple mentioned a series of videos they were watching.  The young daughter and her dad had to have the videos pried out of their hands in order for us to preview them.

Now I know why.  I have completed three of the DVD’s and I’m sold on the series! 

The series is called, “What’s in the Bible?”.  Produced and narrated by Phil Vischer, the creator of Veggie Tales, there is that same sense of humor and candid approach.  The series uses puppets, and even has outtakes on the DVD! 

A take off on Sesame Street, and with all sorts of other references to our current society, the series has me laughing and thinking.  Some things were so easily put that now I have a new understanding that seven years of college/seminary didn’t give me.

Recommended for your viewing, if you have the opportunity! 

I believe

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I’m putting away my snow shovels!

This is in faith believing that we will not have a great snow storm in the next while.  I say that, because yesterday I was driving in snow.  Not a lot, but it was still snow.

And, I am making sure that I know where my rakes and spring equipment are to be found. 

This is in faith believing that green will grow soon.  I’ve seen hints of the green when I brush snow and leaves off the lawn.  Not a lot, but enough to keep the faith!

This has been a longer winter than most.  Evidence is found in the halls and gathering places.  Our normal topic of conversation, the weather, has become abnormal in how much time it occupies.

And so, farewell to winter.  Hello spring!  In faith believing – and knowing that God has created the seasons, I hold that with conviction!!

On praying always

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

In my reading I came across this statement in Henri Nouwen’s book, “The way of the heart.”  (p. 63-64)

The literal translation of the words “pray always” is “come to rest”. . . This rest, however, has little to do with the absence of conflict or pain. It is a rest in God in the midst of a very intense daily struggle.

Good thought to start the day. 

Rest and struggle?  How does that work?

Must be a God thing!!