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  • Reading time:2 mins read

For eight years I served as a registrar in a post secondary school.

There were days of great joy, days when completing the journey for some students was pure delight (for them, as well as for the faculty as they saw them leave through the front door!).

And then there was the graduation!  For us administrators this was the busy time of year.  If my children wished to accompany me, they would know that dad was “in his grad gown.”  That meant quick steps and short conversations.

Yesterday I attended the grad of my “soon to be” step daughter.  I was awash again with the preparations that go on.  This time I was on the other side.

The administrator who looked after the “show” was running like crazy.  She stopped at our table for a second – and that was about it!  Shades of yesteryears!

The result was a great day.  A ceremony in the morning and a banquet in the evening. 

These are good times.  I enjoyed the day! 

But I’m glad to be on the other side of the table!

A Pastor’s life

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

An 8:00 phone call caught me in the midst of my morning (yes, I was up early, so this was the “midst” of the morning).

The caller had a prayer request to share.  The first few moments were spent just waiting.  Waiting as the caller gained some composure.  Then the story gushed out.  A story that you can’t stop.  And finally a call to pray.

Which I immediately did.  And passed on the request, with permission, to our prayer chain.

At moment’s like this, your words are somewhat halting.  You really don’t know what to say – other than – I’m praying.  God knows the situations in people’s lives.  We get a glimpse.  And sometimes the sight is like a deep hole, with you standing on the edge of the cliff, on tiptoes with your friend, just knowing that being together, with God beside you, is what keeps you from falling in!

And so, for those around you today, who you know are suffering, offer your prayers!  May God grant his peace!

Things to come

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Things can refer to an eternity of things.


Our associate pastor was right there this weekend when a young mother was informed that her husband had drowned.  That was not an expected thing to come. 

A day’s time, even a moment’s time, can change what we expect as things to come.

Should we then live in fear?

As one who enjoys knowing what is to come, I have spent much of my life trying to learn that I am not in control.  My fear of being left behind, or of being forced into an uncomfortable setting, or even of going to a dentist who may pronounce my teeth need work . . . all of these things to come can be disturbing, or worse yet, could be paralyzing.

I realize that means that I have to leave things in God’s control.  But the emotions of a moment can turn that thought upside down.  And I must return once again to a phrase that is worming its way into my head.

God is good all the time – and all the time God is good.  When you realize how much God loves you, then fear can be cast out.

Good lesson, tough to practice.

On Leave

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

This past week the Church Board met.  In the midst of a number of discussions, they gave to me a very gracious gift.

As I have been planning my wedding on July 13th, I have been carefully guarding my days.  I’ve worked on days off in order to take a few other days to visit and work on wedding preparations.  I’ve left some gaps in my usual routines in order to give time to the need for a whole new set of routines.

All of this was beginning to pile up as the wedding neared.  The Board graciously presented to me a leave from June 23rd to July 29th.  OK, they thought I should take a leave!  And I gladly agreed!!

In this case, a leave does not necessarily mean less work.  Just redirected work.  I will be attending a number of “new family” events as well as events for both Cynthia and I.  I will be helping to amalgamate our household goods prior to our wedding.  And as I write this, I’m sure there are events that I don’t even know about! 

When I read some of the upcoming events to the congregation yesterday, one of my friends started to write them down, and then found out he couldn’t keep up!  Even as I look at the list, I’m glad I’ve been granted a leave.  I have this feeling our marriage will be the better for it!!

And so, as I have expressed to each of them personally, my thanks to a very gracious group who are my immediate “bosses”. 

Your wisdom and consideration is much appreciated.