A fitting ending

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

The ending is really a beginning.

Richard and Hope Reichert are internatoinal workers with the Christian and Missionary Alliance.  They move into full retirement this fall.

In 1975 they began church work.  At a little place called Luseland, just up the road less than an hour!  Then they toured South and Central America in mission work for the last 34 years.  Their thoughts on this time are captured in yesterday’s service audio found at http://www.sermoncloud.com/kindersley-alliance/richard-and-hope-reichert-thanksgiving-tour/

I’m not sure I have had the opportunity to be one of the stops on a retirement tour!  The idea is great and I’m excited for the next phase in their life.  I desire to be like Richard and Hope as I move towards retirement.  Their goal is to continue to minister in whatever capacity they find themselves. 

May God bless the Reicherts in these coming years.  May the fruit of their mentorship and training of others increase fruit for the kingdom of God.  May God grant health and their heart’s desire in these coming years.

Thank you – Richard and Hope!!

The temperature

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

In light of continuity!

Yes, it is cold here.  The Big Chill has arrived.  Just looked at our temperature and it is -36.  Close to that magic -40 which, in my lifetime’s experience, is the point at which all things should just stop!

Of course, now we have windchill – ours reads -48.  Others in the province are at -51.  23 record temperature/windchills on this day in Saskatchewan.  That may rise as the day goes on.

So, what to do?

Well, my wife is off to a painting job – thankfully just a few minutes away.  I will probably venture out at some point and pick up needed files and information.  Otherwise communication will be through in the internet and phone.

How does this affect the day?  Well, one thing is that you subconsciously figure this in as a “day off”.  All the plans that might have been are now set aside.  Some can be done, others will have to wait.

So, I’m not headed out the door (at least right away).  Instead, I’m inside enjoying a furnace that works!