Centering my age

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

We have a new pastor at the Kindersley Alliance Church.  Peter Ralph, Jr. was installed this morning – he’s now plugged into our congregation and ready to go.

My friend’s son is now my pastor.  The kid from Sunday School and Children’s choir is now our senior pastor!  I can see why we have gone to the moniker – Lead Pastor.

In the past two weeks, two of my friends from my teen years died.  Cancer takes lives – and I’m coming to say that 60 something is young!

I recalled a 1968 event with ease, and the idea that I was around when the Cuban crisis occurred dates me.

A numbing left arm brings to mind immediately a possibility of stroke, instead of the realization that I’ve been working on renovations steadily for the last few months.

My eyes feast on the beauty of my wife, but my willing body would like to respond much more quickly to the stimuli.  I drive with cruise control, not so much to curb my heavy foot but to give my foot a rest.

And so, on September 21, 2018, I limp over another milestone.  I’ll be 65 – still feeling 18 but visiting in my mind the future of being 100. 

I’m glad that my ticket for the future is not yet bought even though I’ve been reading the brochures!

On homelessness, hopelessness, and the culture we live in

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I’ve had opportunity this past while to hone in on homelessness. 

My definition has needed sharpening.  I once asked what we could do for homeless people.  The reply was – “Put them in a home.” 

Simple but true.  Then there would be no homelessness!

. . . Not so simple!

The homeless find shelter on other’s couches or in short term residences.  They are not homeless by definition.  But they are homeless by lifestyle and circumstance.

At the same time, the subculture has a whole set of rules.  We all live by law – the rules that surround our culture.  A subculture lives by two sets of laws. The dominant culture’s and their culture. 

Often the laws clash. 

Our next door neighbour’s house is in foreclosure –they are now homeless.  The commandeered house contents are now sitting in a trailer ready to head to the town disposal site. 

This is where determining the spirit of the law and the letter of the law becomes vital.  In a poverty situation, where the dominant culture is dispensing of “junk”, is that junk then open for retrieval?  When is that retrieval stealing?  When do we argue law and when do we argue grace?

Moved by a moved house

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Well, I’ve been off the grid on this blog site for over a month.

Not because I haven’t been busy writing.  I’ve done a number of articles for our local social media –  I’ve also written an updated marriage ceremony for those who are divorced.  And prepared funeral services.  And written in my daily journal.  And lost of to-do lists!!

That which has occupied me most is the renovation of a house.

The pictures have been on this website and my Facebook account.  The interior has been gutted and renewed.  The exterior has new windows and doors – with a complete new basement.  We like the house enough to consider moving across the street.

What I have found is that I am good at demolition.  Not so excited about the finishing touches.  I enjoy the flow of work but am frustrated by interruptions.  I’m easily distracted by the many items that need cared for, but when focused I drill down into the job.

Learning each day!  Not a bad thing.

The house obsession

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Well, I’ve finally gotten back to my blog site.  I feel like I’ve been away for months – and I have! 

Our current obsession has been a house move.  We brought a farmhouse into town and placed the house on a basement foundation. 

The process has been time consuming and somewhat costly. 

The product has been amazing!  We hope to have the basic renovations done by September.

We’ll see.

See you later!