Gum ball effect

Attendance is climbing at our Vacation Bible School.

When I first volunteered to work with this program, I wasn’t sure how many 6-10 year olds we would find in the summer.  When the first day saw 10 kids, I was satisfied.  That would be a good start.  The second day we saw a few more and today we hit 19 in attendance.  I would be quite satisfied with that amount.  It suits the staff well and lets all of them work together. 

Having said that, we could still take a few more.  To encourage that we let those who invited friends receive a special reward — a spoonful of gum balls, as many as they can get.  Seems they like that idea.  If you look in the picture below you can see the bowl filled with gum balls.  We place them in a plastic bag (sanitary and all that!!) and the kids can eat them on the way home.

gum ball effect VBS 2009

The good news of Jesus is becoming clearer for the “campers” as the week progresses.  Two more days.  We have been well served by those who are serving during these days.  That has included those who directly work with the children, and also those who make food, pray, prepare decoration and a thousand other little details that make this work.  THANK YOU!!

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