One of the town committees I sit on presented an idea to our local town council. We were well received and enjoyed the opportunity.
I believe in being committed to the community.
I was born in the cooperative movement province, Saskatchewan. I think sometimes we have lost this spirit. And so, I want to be an apostle to our community for God and for good. Perhaps this is how we let out light shine? Perhaps we are called to bless our communities?
I must admit, this idea has not always been a part of my thinking. I take myself back a few decades to the years working at a seminary. I was focused only on the local church – with little or no room for those outside of those walls!
Daily at seminary I was surrounded by thinkers who pushed me to consider what cooperation was about. First to Christians – we are to be known as those who love one another. To non-believers, I want to live at peace but also to promote the good!
And so, I’m on a journey. Trying to learn how not to compromise the need for a personal relationship with Jesus while seeking to work with those who are indifferent to, or even reject Jesus.
How have you lived in your community as a Christian?