
A decade or two ago I spent time with an archivist by the name of John Sawin. 

John had oversight of the Christian and Missionary Alliance archives – and in his spare time taught and nurtured the fledgling archives at the school where I was working.  While there he deeded to the school binders of bibliographic work he had done.  And also gave me duplicate copies.

Remember, this in the day and age when you could not scan material.  This was all photocopied – basically by hand.  Hundreds of pages.

Today I continued culling some of my shelves.  I came to the binders and wondered whether I had the only copies left of these unique items.  So,  I’ve sent off to the current archivist at the school I was working in.  He is checking.  I don’t expect I have the only copy.  If it does happen that I have the only copy – I will donate them to the school archives. 

That would be a real treat.  To have worked in the archives when they were beginning, and now to contribute to them. 

We’ll see!!

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