With our awakening this morning, the outside appeared to be somewhat cool. And appearances are sometimes deceiving. The guess was that it was a mere degree or two below freezing.
The reliable thermometer showed at least ten degrees below freezing.
Now, in this country, a few degrees can make your day. You feel as though the day is brighter, lighter and warmer (or cooler – depending on which perspective of the thermometer you are using). The world can gain life, or lose it’s glimmer. By degrees!!
And so today we donned our coats – which are now switching to winter attire instead of fall coverings. We had gloves handy and trusted our car to have a warm heater working.
And still, the touch was there. A bit cool, but a sure sign that in a few months we will feel a new touch. The touch of spring that leads to summer.
Hope never dies!!
It is like spring here, almost too hot for a jacket. When I got up this morning I was thinking of turning on the ceiling fan ! But with the apartment heat on now, no sense in spreading the heat ! So the windows are opened WIDE ! Lots of leaves, red, rust, orange, and yellow still on lots of trees but who knows ? Tomorrow it could freeze! Don’t you just love the unexpectedness of our climate ? I think it is a great surprise all the time ! You could have a melt-down tomorrow !