Well, today we had our international worker, Don Love, speaking.
Over the past few years we have worked in a seamless link relationship with the Loves – who work in Japan. Part of the great pleasure is to realize that the Japanese have probably more to say to us, than we have to say to them.
In the area of reaching our society, Don made some very good points about sharing our faith. Check out his sermon on our website – check under the sermon tab at www.kindersleyalliance.com.
I think I would characterize his idea as – relax!! Let your own daily points of relationship lead you to share your life in God through Jesus. Interestingly he says that if we share with 3 people each year, and over 8 years see one person become a Christian – and if all Christians were doing this – within 100 years we would have a Christian nation. What a thought!!
Thanks, Don!
I liked the point he made that what we need to be showing our non-Christian friends (and our Christian ones, for that matter) is the hope and joy that we have in God. And love. If what we have to offer them is no different than what they already have, why would they be interested? If our lives show no more joy than theirs, why would they look further? We have to show that we are different because of God in our lives, and that that difference is a positive one. Sometimes it is so tempting to be dragged down into looking into the negative sides of things instead of the positive. I hope to be able to do like the old saying “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.”