Tucked away in a drawer – you have to think this was a treasure Jill kept!
In 1994, for Christmas I wrote her a poem. We have, for a number of years, not been in need of anything. Other than love! This was my Christmas present to her that year.
I seldom say all I wish I could,
More seldom say all I should!
Endurance in struggles of new directions,
Lasting through our children’s corrections,
Preparation of culinary delights,
Companionship though days and nights
These all are signs of love unbounded,
By that love I am surrounded.
Thank you, my lover, my wife!
Christmas 1994
so glad she kept it as it becomes a reminder of her love for you – and thanks for sharing such a beautiful present.
Thanks for sharing this, Ron.
Thank you for sharing this Ron. It is beautiful. If it makes you feel any better I have kept all the notes Ian as written to me. Yes that means even the ones he wrote while we were dating. I go back to them every so often and read them again. And cry at the caring person that he is. He is my best friend. I don’t know what I would do if I were to ever lose him.
Ron, you are a very strong man. I couldn’t imagine my life with out Ian.
Thank you my dear friend for being so strong and a Child of God.
God Bless you and the family.
Very beautiful!