Friendship with Dead Guys

That’s my title for this Sunday’s sermon.

I’ve been contemplating the matter of being friends in the larger arena of life.  Hebrews 12 says that we are surrounded with a great crowd of witnesses.  Imagine if we were able to wade into that crowd and ask questions. 

Well, I guess we are.

We can read the Bible.  We can read biographies.  Nowadays we have videos.

And so, Jabez, a mere two verses in the Bible, gets pages and pages of thought in these past decades.  And of course David, the Jewish King, has had volumes written to help us understand him.

I am concerned that all we read is what other people prepare for us to read.  The best idea is to go to the original documents (the archivist in me speaking).  Read the Bible about Joseph, and Paul and Peter.  Enjoy others thoughts on them, but read the unique words first place in the Bible.

Pick a dead guy who isn’t like any of your friends.  Expand your understanding.  Right now I’m trying to make closer friends with David, the Jewish King.  He is not a lot like me.  Way too emotional.  Way to spontaneous.  Way to “out there”.

But maybe it’s time for me to explore with my friend a new side to life.  God blessed David as a man after His own heart.  I’m more than willing to run alongside David to see what that means!  Wonder what my life will look like a year from now??

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