I am a person of more than one idea – per minute!! After many years of various activities and involvements, the ideas seem to come even faster!
Retirement has meant that many of the usual restraints on my time have been “dismissed”. Except that now I am busier than ever. I tend to venture further into my explorations of possibilities.
I think a regular job is a joy – in the sense that you have a focused time of attention that allows you to get “something” done. The focus most often comes from a boss, or a deadline, or the time clock. Some of my best times were spent in studies at post-secondary schools. You knew when you had accomplished what was required, and there is real satisfaction in this.
Entering Lent this year, I sought assistance from God. A still, small voice seemed to say – just do what you are doing. For most people that is status quo.
For me, that is plenty. The activities I am involved in are always turning to new ventures. The more new ventures, the less likely I am to finish well those adventures that I began a while ago.
So, Lent for me this year is not about giving up things that I’m currently involved in, but giving up those things that I could be involved in. Maybe that will give me a bit more time to spend with God!
Sounds good, Ron. I always loved a regular job, as it seemed security. But there is a freedom of choice which comes with retirement which is really a joy !