The weekend

A birthday party for a 95 year old, putting in a new bathroom sink drain and preaching a sermon.

All in a weekend’s enjoyment.

Each activity had a different set of expectations and emotions.  For those who wish to remain on an even keel (a great boat metaphor meaning you don’t tip side to side), reserve your weekends for slow to wake and early to bed.  With nothing in between.

Rather??  How about a range of emotions, a spate of exercise and just plain fun.  That was this weekend.  I rejoiced with Mom Warkentin.  She is bright, energetic and constantly on the go.  I was frustrated by a sink drain that had rotted enough that a simple fix was not possible – and elated when new parts fit perfectly and fixed the problem.  And preaching?  A group of less than 20 were engaged and followed what I was saying – and that is always a joy for a preacher.

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