Thoughts on riding the road:
Today, I entered into the rain and came out of the rain. In between, I sat in an auditorium that was unheated, and ate in a kitchen area warmed by ovens and people.
This was the 75th anniversary of our local camp, Luseland Bible Camp. 30 years ago I directed a camp here. Now, I sit as a pastor of one of the sponsoring churches. In the beginning this was a family camp, missions conference, revival meetings camp. People literally brought their graineries in to serve as cabins while camp was on. I imagine they dragged them home afterwards and stored their crop in them until the next camp session. Now the camp serves children and youth, and will branch out for a seniors weekend this summer.
More than once I have seen the rain roll into the camp grounds. The roads are still unpaved and my white car was shaded brown by the time I arrived home. A quick car wash was in order!
As I drove home I could see the demarcation where rain abated and sunshine flowed. As I came closer my eyes had to adjust. When you live in rain, everything is one color. In the brightness of sunshine the colors are myriad. Just a quick reminder that light exposes beauty while the mushiness of gray obliterates the highlights. Give me the light any day!!