A puppet in ministry?

My first regional supervisor in ministry, Bob Gould, once asked me if I would become a puppet in my ministry.  OK, the actual question was much more circumspect (politically correct), but that was the intent.

He had encountered Jill and knew she was quite strong.  I did too!  That’s why I married her.  I needed someone who could stand up to me.  Someone I could listen to with respect.

30 some years later, I would have to say that the marriage and ministry wasn’t so much about puppetry as about dancing.

As partners, we sometimes stepped on each other’s toes – and even got out of sync at times.  But we never doubted that we would come back to each other’s arms.  We never doubted that life was good – no, best – when we were together and not apart. 

Early on in our marriage we had become busy – both of us seeming to be in different places at the same time.  And never together.  One night we had one of those discussions all marriages need.  Some would call it a brawl!  When we were finished, I scrawled in crayon on a scrap piece of paper something like this, “We will work TOGETHER.”

The paper was lost – initially a magnet held the document on our filing cabinet and in our many moves from house to house, the scrap slipped away. 

But the thought was never lost – nor was the dance ever sweeter!!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. elizabeth cooper

    I remember times like that too, with Allan. Our aims were the same, but methods might be different, ending in great “discussions” !!! But woven together with time and change, how those times are remembered and even profitable in a relationship. Keep memories close they are a comfort. Jill had a lot of wisdom, and understanding. We make up for each other’s “shortages” !

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