A satisfying day

As I completed the day, I spent two hours continuing the cataloguing of books for Tim Crump’s estate.  The earlier part of the day saw a first draft of my sermon completed, a few projects forwarded, and even the opening of a bank account for a local organization.

All this was good enough.  But then I sat down to organize.  Books, that is.  And my juices start to flow.  I tried to find a way to gather groupings of authors together.  And then, sought a way to arrange books that did not come in groups.  By the time I was done I had gained a further sense of the library I was working on.

So, if there is a book buyer who would love to pick up mysteries, World War II history (specialty in Winston Churchill), British monarchy history, Sherlock Holmes oriented books . . . and that’s just the core.  Then there is photography and Canadian history . . .

My wife shrugs her shoulders.  Not her bag!  But for me . . . close to paradise!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Big Sis

    What a wonderful way to end the day… surrounded by books — and for you, the satisfying task of organizing them. (:

    What mystery novels are in the collection? And photography books?

    Of course the last question is, did you dream books last night?

    Have a great day brother dear!

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