Well, the last 10 days have been “holiday” days with family and friends. I preached a sermon, went for walks in small town Saskatchewan, hung out at a birthday party and generally was busy being not busy.
My takeaway? People are inspirational to me while also being draining. This is the paradox of being a human being who is “front facing” and at the same time enjoys back room quietness.
As I look to this coming year, my initial thoughts are to keep that balance. To be seen and yet to be unseen. To enjoy the presence of others and the present of being by myself. I’ve taken enough personality training to know that this is tough but necessary work. I’ve also lived long enough to know that all of this life-work is meaningless without a further infusion.
I trust that your new year will find you seeking after that which God desires, fully immersed in Jesus’ work, and lived out through God’s Holy Spirit in you – seems to me that is the ultimate work that makes all the rest of your life-work worth the while.
I wonder