This is the time of year where we run our annual meeting. With transitioning that is happening, I ‘m thankful the meeting was scheduled for a little later this year.
Our Associate Pastor is headed out of town by February 28th. His goal and the vision God has given him relates to reaching Montreal for Christ. The picture is huge, the first step is getting there. One way or the other, he will be headed to Montreal in the next few weeks.
Meanwhile, a transitional plan which would have propelled me into retirement, has been set aside. What the next step is, I (and we) are not sure. I’ve spent time in personal retreat and am starting to contact others for advice.
Looking over our annual report one characteristic stands out. The reports are basically the same, but each one seems to be abbreviated from the previous years version. I had somewhere around 8 pages – this year 2.
We were in the midst of the year talking about waiting. I think I begin to see the sense that was there. You can’t make huge long reports when you are waiting to see what is coming. You might catch a glimpse of the train that is on the track, but you can’t yet describe it. There is a light on the front! The rest is still to be revealed.
God knows, and we will discover!
and sometimes just around the bend in the track the vision becomes clearer and oft times so different from what we were waiting for. It is often far better than what we thought – although the transition can be felt like climbing a mountain without a rope. Perspective comes. Until the path is clear – waiting can be resting and rejuvenating to the soul.