A furious pounding of the keyboard on my laptop brings me to the end of the day. I had inspiration to write the text for a sermon I am preaching on December 22nd at the Clearview Community Church in Kindersley, SK.
The theme is Love – the fourth Sunday of Advent. In my past few weeks I have experienced funerals and new births. Both have celebration combined with anticipation. When a new child is born we are excited to see the next steps – the first steps. When someone dies we are placed in the midst of the last steps. Both usher in a time of uncertainty.
But love . . . where there is a full experience of love there is no fear. Certainly many disparate emotions may rise and fall. Certainly we will catch ourselves guarding ourselves “just in case”. But the deeper we sink into love the less we need to try to control life or to be driven by every wind of insecurity.
How far can we sink? I haven’t reached the bottom yet. I’m not planning on stopping the plunge to the depths of love while realizing that I can’t force or cause or create love. Somehow the ability to plunge into love is the ability to surrender my own efforts and let the love of Jesus take care of me.
How far have you dived? Are you choked up trying to go deeper? Are you open to releasing that last breath and letting Jesus breathe life from his love into you?