Mom's Song

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

When I was growing up I remember gathering around the piano.  Mom played all the black notes and sang wonderfully.

The song I remember was “When the roll is called up yonder.”  So here is the song  — you can probably download it by right clicking on the box and saving the file.

Cold and colds

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I’m sitting here writing this while fighting a cold.

I’ve yet to understand how you fight a cold!  I guess if taking medication is one weapon — I’m in the battle.  My wife prepared some chicken soup — I’m advancing on the cold.  But in the end most colds progress through our bodies and we’re left treating just the symptoms.

Someone pointed out at the door to the church yesterday — “Colds start when we get warm breaks in the weather!”   I’m not sure I’m quite ready to ask for constant -40 degree weather.  Although, with being stuffed up right now . . .

Annoying Attributes of God

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

A while back I purchased a small book (both in dimensions and pages) called 99 Annoying Attributes of God.

Not to steal the thunder of the editors (Ray Albrektson, Janet Kobobel Grant, Alan Scholes, Gary Stanley and Kristen Wilson), but here are a few thoughts.

God is annoying because –

  • he won’t let me take anything with me when I die;
  • he often thinks “no” is a sufficient answer;
  • he expects me to openly share the secrets I’d rather keep hidden;
  • he wants me to keep secret the things I’d rather openly take credit for
  • he’s always kind but he isn’t always nice

Many of the thoughts have scripture tucked in with them.  Sometimes I just need an easy way to look at things — jars me out of the rut I get into (I wonder if I could add another metaphor and really mix things up!).


At home

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Lunch time.

A bit of snow has fallen, but the temperature is melting the residue.  Scarely two days ago we were in the -30 range.  Now we are around 0 degrees.

We sit and slurp tomato soup.  Tomorrow night we will visit with Aunt Etta.  Always nice to have relatives.  The evening will be early.  Sunday preparation begins Saturday night.

Sunday promises to carry us forward with responsibilities.  Worship service in the morning, manor service in the afternoon and prayer time and supper together with some of our church folk.

This afternoon is a planning time.  This week has seen its dose of meeting with people (and I consider doses of people good medicine!!). 

So, here I sit thinking ahead.  Much of the planning for this past while has been postponed, cancelled or otherwise waylaid.  I’m more aware now that we can make our plans, and should!  But God will direct the final pathway.