Our seniors group, the XYZ of life, had Valentine’s today.
We recognize this is not Valentine’s, but its a good excuse.
Three couples were asked to share how they met, and finally got married. The oldest couple are over 60 years married, the middle couple were married in the ’60’s, and the youngest couple’s ages combined don’t even add up to 60.
All saw God’s hand in it all. The youngest couple met at school, the oldest couple’s wife was a school teacher, and the midde couple believe in school.
What struck me — beyond the inspiration that was given (and I do mean inspiration — I was blown away by married love!).
One couple was married on November 4th. He was a farmer. My dad was a farmer – he married my mom on November 3rd. Something there about hard work and appropriate seasons! Another couple ended up as farmers, even though the wife thought she would never marry one. And the last couple met at an agricultural school — no need to explain about farming around here!
At the meeting I ran across another couple who’s family descendents have lived on the homesteaded farm for 101 years. Almost makes me want to run out and buy my grandfather’s old farmstead (which in actual kilometers is closer to my current work than where we currently live). I wonder if I could sell that to my wife — NOT!