Weekend Passages —

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Busyness!  That’s been the order of the day, or should I say days.

As we descended on Delisle on Saturday we met . . . a charter member of our church (which celebrates 70 years in 2008) . . . cousins and nephews and neices (one of whom Jill had never met in over 30 years!) . . . my father’s siblings who combine brains, laughs and deep relationships.

Today we were at a church service with new and newer faces.  I preached on Acts 12 — God is in it all . . . including miracles and the ordinary.   After a soup lunch with friends we headed to Rosetown.  My parents are staying at my sisters.  We chatted about the past, ate another soup meal and headed back by 9:00 in the evening.

If time is relative to activity we squeezed a lot into a few hours.  God is good and has granted us this time with others.  Some we may see again, others not.  In God’s timing the moments are indelibly now a part of our history and our lives.

Out the door!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

It’s around 8:00 and we are headed to Delisle.

Hairblowers have fashioned our hair, our shoes are polished and the shower has us perfumed for the day.  We’ll meet lots of relatives, enjoy the fellowship and celebrate a life well lived.

Jill, my wife, mentioned this morning that Clara May died well.  When she heard she had cancer she accepted this as God’s plan for the time.  She headed to Ontario to visit her siblings.  Others came to her and she greeted them with that well known twinkle in her eye.  Her passing was merely to another place with richer colors and greater singing.

I celebrate a life well lived and a death claimed in Jesus name!!

A night at home!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

We try to visit as much as possible.

Years back I struggled with just being with people without a “productive angle”.  You know —  trying to get people to take on a job, provide some money, help make things happen.  Don’t get me wrong, that is still part of life and ministry — when done with love and compassion there is no reason to denigrate that type of visit.

Lately, I just like to head out to be with people because I like to be with people.  We talk, drink coffee (oops, hot chocolate!), and pass the hours in each other’s company.

Nevertheless, I still have a need to take a little time away.  That means I’ll stretch out on the couch tonight.  We’ll eat some hotdogs in wraps with beans, and watch a video.  We’ll head to bed early since we are off to a funeral and to visit someone in hospital in Saskatoon tomorrow.

But for tonight — alone again, naturally!!

She's Married!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

The phone rang around supper time. 

She’s married.

This afternoon!  In Las Vegas.

Allison is now Mrs. Scott Opseth (sorry, I guess that should be Mrs. Allison Opseth) of Birch Hills, Saskatchewan.

Pictures will come later.  She had a beautiful dress (sorry, I’m not a fashion page editor who could describe the crinkles and wrinkles of material!) and Scott was in a tuxedo.  They were chauffered in a limousine to the chapel.  Her hair was beautifully coiffeured (OK, so my spelling is off, but I’m getting closer to the fashion page!) and the bouquet is in the motel room being prepared to become a part of the wedding momentos.

This is our first child married.  As you prepare for the wedding (and I suppose more so as they plan to elope) you are left slightly removed.  Not in a bad way.  But, as Jill said after getting off the phone, she’s no longer our responsiblity.  The funny thing is, I feel like we have just moved to another level of responsibility — one which I’m going to enjoy — stay out of their business unless asked for advice, pray like crazy and support them in their marriage.

Congratulations Scott and Allison!