The Christmas program that was!
Today our children and youth ran a Christmas program. Music (with a brass band!), drama, scripture reading and even a meal! Here is just one picture from a myriad of audio and visual landscapes!
Today our children and youth ran a Christmas program. Music (with a brass band!), drama, scripture reading and even a meal! Here is just one picture from a myriad of audio and visual landscapes!
My memory is not what it used to be!
I was praying for someone this past week and forgot their name. I used all sorts of other adjectives to describe them in the prayer. They appreciated my talk with God! And God knows who I was talking about!!
So, I’m updating areas where I might forget! Things like passwords for online banking and blog site access (if you aren’t reading this, I’ve forgotten my password). I’ve stored them away so my wife can find them — it I die, or get burnt out, or simply forget. Now all I need to do is remember to tell her where I put them!
Here’s to memory!
Tonight was the fourth meal this week. They have all been good. If I were to rate them, I would surely get in to trouble!!
Was it the chicken cordon bleu? Or the Japanese cuisine? Or the marvelous casserole with pickled beets? Or maybe — just maybe — it was my favourite, hot dogs!!
Each meal has had its theme, and all bring me back to Christmas. The small group who are working through a study together, the seniors who enjoy and cherish the traditions of Christmas, the Grades 5-7 who just enjoy life and birthdays, and the high school students who caught a glimpse of another culture’s approach to Christmas.
Here is the eager crowd for tonight’s gathering — a Japanese dinner seated on the floor and using chop sticks. I have a new appreciation for knees and wooden dowels!
Planning for Christmas Eve day has been interesting.
By interesting, I mean a bit wierd feeling.
Over the years I have been a part of planning for the night before Christmas. I have files of services that I have helped plan. Literally hundreds of songs have been sung and played, along with scriptures and stories read.
This year the service will be held in the morning. Sunshine will be streaming in the windows of the church. Where a lit candle would seem to illuminate all of the area, the sunshine will still be out (OK, maybe clouds will be the touch of the day).
My internal clock will feel just a little off.
But, the core of the day will still remain the same. Jesus, whose life was spent mostly in Nazareth, was born a baby. He lived as a man — but yet was God with other men and women. His death was more than just another spirit departing. And his resurrection was death defying and life giving. Not a bad start for a celebration of Christmas.