Listing to the right
So, our boarder who came for a few weeks and will have been here two months, found a house! A private sale, close to work and school. They (his wife Annette and their three children) will move down the end of December. The new year will see them enjoying the delights of Kindersley!
For the last few months John has been checking our realty listings as often as possible. He has explored local hamlets and villages. His car can find roads that others haven’t seen for a while.
These listings have been complemented by private listings that are kept in the heads of friends, colleagues, and anyone else who might be helpful. In the end the network paid off!
Now, what if our lives were made up of listings? Lists of things to do, places to go, people to see.
Guess what, I am affected by lists. I’ve yet to be persuaded that we are “list”less people.
The real matter, then, is — what lists are we going to follow?
I tend to think that we need to be listing to the right!
And for all you boat people — the ship is not going to sink! If you can keep you life on an even keel, your list will be just right!