I've discovered the New World
I wonder how life on the PInta would have been. No, I’m not referring to the good, old PInto car of the 1970’s. I’m going back further to the 1490’s.
I’ve been handpicked to sail a boat. I’ve struggled for weeks to stay afloat both physically and emotionally. This is not a familiar voyage. We are just headed “that way” every day. And every day begins to look the same. Oh, there are weather changes. But no green meadows or rolling hills, no new friends while the old companions on the voyage wear thin.
The day land is sighted, I silently cry in excitement and curse in confusion. The habit of awakening to the same horizon confuses me when new pieces are added. And yet, at the same time, I’m excited because boredom saps life from living souls. Small routines, done just to do them, become huge lifesavers.
And in the irony of a conquest achieved,when I see land, I immediately wonder how the return voyage will go. Will we see familiar faces when we return? Will we return or will we be tossed aside by an uncharted sea?
A sailor’s life is complicated and yet simple — stay afloat and get where you are going. Simple directions with a multitude of reasons you will never see home again!
Well, that’s my story! I wonder how the centuries will see me??