ETR for Pacemaker

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Today I learned a new acronym.

Jill, my electrifying and electrified wife, was in for a checkup.  Since she was in her teens she has been powered by battery.  Her heart is kept going by a pacemaker.  Originally the battery lasted two years.  At one point she got a nuclear powered pacemaker.  We were supposed to report to border guards that we were carrying nuclear material!!

The latest battery was implanted in 2001.  Each year we have checkups to determine how the pacemaker is working and what the current status of the battery is.  Today we learned the battery is at 25%. 

The ETR (estimated time of replacement) is comig up!  Perhaps in nine months, or longer.  We’ll head back in a few months for a further assessment.

Looks like the replacement operation would take place in Edmonton.  A forced holiday! 

Stay tuned and keep your batteries charged (I’m still waiting for the day that pacemaker batteries can be recharged!).

Sometimes we blog . . .

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I have found a new blog site — one of the elders at our church.

John Stuart is a thinker. You will find his site will stretch you to think. I’ve just begun to look through his postings and look forward to a more concentrated time to take in his thoughts.

Check it out at

Library software?

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In the last while, we (the church I work with!) have been offered two computers.

That is a great thing!

Now I’m into thinking the nitty gritty questions!  One computer should go to the library to house the church library catalogue.  So we need software.  I’ve done a bit of contacting and research and we’ll see what comes of that.  Even though I have a library science degree, in the end some of the best advice you can get is a friend who has done this “small church library” thing.  Thanks, Laurene . . . and any others who have suggestions!!


Kazoo People

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Ever wonder what it would be like to speak through a kazoo? 

Tried it out last night.  Totally frustrating.  You can use inflection, wave your arms and arch your eyebrows.  But in the end you still feel like you don’t know what “he said, she said.”  The Wycliffe theatre group did a great job of showing the frustrations of translation!!

Talking of pictures — I had a picture taken of my knees today. 

For a number of years my knees have been giving out.  6 – 8 years ago a doctor had told me I was in trouble, but that I might wait a few more years until I was older.

I’m older.  And my knees are not in great shape.  I wander around, but often find that there is pain.  I no longer expect that I can correct a fall with my legs.  Rather than the excrutiating pain, I have learned to fall well!

So, waiting times being what they are, maybe in a year or so I’ll be looking at new knees!!