Wycliffe's Summit Theatre coming to town!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

We just confirmed!

Sunday, November 19th at 6:00 pm — a dinner theatre — $15.00 with Adele Powell (and gang) catering. 

Check out their website for further details on the drama.

Hope to see you there!

The quiet of home!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Tonight we were out with a small group gathering.  As I left, a single mother made an insightful remark.

We were going home to peace and quiet!  She had kids that would be up and about.  For a good part fo the evening.

There is a blessing in having an “empty nest.”  I am able to come home and fall asleep watching TV.  I can wake up moments later.  

The kids are somewhere else in the world — and not in a corner of the house where they shouldn’t be.  The house has not been ransacked.  Most of the time, my time is my time.

Now, I’m not one to be selfish.  I will try to do whatever I can for other people.  But, let me just exhibit a bit of selfishness.  I do enjoy going to bed when I want.  I do enjoy having meals without many spills (other than my own). I even enjoy the freedom of a bathroom only shared with one other person.

I trust the single mother has a good night’s sleep.  And I trust you do as well.  I’m pretty sure I will!!

Meals are all relative!!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

We were off with friends to a fall supper.  You know!  One of those community events in small town Saskatchewan.  They serve a full meal deal — turkey and the trimmings plus pie with real whipped cream. 

While there, we saw a contingent of my aunts and uncles.  They had arrived in Saskatchewan from an Ontario event with my aunts (twins with birthdays!).  The trek to Saskatchewan (some are from Ontario, BC, Yukon, and Saskatchewan) was to see an ailing aunt whose cancer continues to advance.

What a great surprise.  So here are some pictures of these fearless relatives!!